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Old 08-08-2008, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post

You know what saddens me in these last days, Anyone that stands for the King James Bible, STANDS! for it. Every small Critique is defended, sometimes with not as much patience and love as is required by Christ but however, it is still DEFENDED. Those who have chosen to prefer a modern versions spend more time attacking and picking holes in the smallest corners of the KJV that through the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ we, as Believers, have been shown how to refute those claims. The errors are so apparent in modern versions that even my 8 year Old niece (who is Born again, Praise the LORD)
can discern them.

Men, filled with their own Philosophy have added a little leaven and raised THEIR OWN understanding beyond the Simplicity that Is In Christ Jesus and His Gospel.
"The Greek says this" "The Greek means that" is simply educated Bullying. I read my Bible with the Holy Spirit Of God and he not Only knows Greek, He Knows EVERYTHING!

Posted in the name of My Redeemer the LORD Jesus Christ.
Yeah, this is good stuff. I think the part that saddens me is the fact that for 270+ years the King James Bible truly was the HOLY BIBLE, and people believed it and stood for it. It just wasn't common practice for people to be like "well this one says this, but this one says that, therefore..." it was IT. Haha, but most of the brethren have lost this sense of awe for the Holy Word of our God. It has become simply literature in the eyes of so many. I was reading the otherday about the Fundamentalist Modernist Controversy that happened within the Presbyterian church in the 20's and 30's. To my shock and horror the argument dealt with things like:

* The inspiration of the Bible by the Holy Spirit and the inerrancy of Scripture as a result of this.
* The virgin birth of Christ.
* The belief that Christ's death was an atonement for sin.
* The bodily resurrection of Christ.
* The historical reality of Christ's miracles.

I just couldn't help but ask myself, what then is left if the Church looses faith in these core beliefs, and where do so called Christians go when they loose belief in those core fundamentals? To me there is NO doubt that the root of this wicked tree is a loss of faith in God's Word. I have watch what these perVersions have done to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I CAN'T STAND IT! I want to be humble and "have compassion on some making a difference" but more often than not I want to save them with fear. Unfortunately this one trait (fear of God) is missing more often then not in the Church. Truly our God is a consuming fire and I praise Him for it! Thank you peopleof theway, know that I STAND for the great Word of our God, the King James Bible.

a fool for Jesus,