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Old 11-05-2008, 05:31 PM
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Default Yep.

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Obama is not a king. He is an elected Marxist, elected by pro-abortion liberals who have no respect for God or this Republic. And just because God ALLOWS something to happen doesn't mean he wanted it that way. If our ancestors had honored their king, how would the American revolution have ever happened. Just food for thought...

Good Post-Good Point. The lavender underwear wearing News skunks on the TV networks were soooo happy,,, they looked like smiling girls on High School Prom Night.

They declared the moslem/ coke-head/ half-white/ Indonesian Passport holding---> Pakistan traveling/ Israel-hating---> moslem terrorist loving/ U.S. Military hating/ Socialist Europe loving/ Hollywierd-funded/ Senate "present" voting record/ Baby aborting-baby murder condoning attorney the "Winner"...even before the polls were closed,,, and befor the Military absentee ballots have been counted!

With utter disgust and disdain for the news media/websites and the Demonic cats that voted for the party of Sodomy, Infanticide, and Defeatism ---except for my State which voted correctly--- I can think only of this appropriate verse:

Psalms 109: 8,9