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Old 11-05-2008, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Obama is not a king. He is an elected Marxist, elected by pro-abortion liberals who have no respect for God or this Republic. And just because God ALLOWS something to happen doesn't mean he wanted it that way. If our ancestors had honored their king, how would the American revolution have ever happened. Just food for thought...
God may have used this nation, and blessed her because she blessed Israel, but I believe without a doubt that the American Revolution was not Biblical. It was the right thing to do from a human standpoint, but if a person was following the clear instructions of the Bible, then they would have acquiesced to the king of England and obeyed.

Obama is the "king" in a Biblical sense; he's the man that's the ruler of our nation, regardless of what he believes or will do. We should *pukes* honor him *pukes again* just like we would honor *dry heaves* a king.

*curls up in a fetal position and cries himself to sleep*