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Old 03-23-2009, 08:16 PM
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Default Not sure?

Originally Posted by Luke View Post
I don't ever remember a time I accepted Christ as my Saviour. A time when I did business with God, so to speak. I remember reading a chick tract many years ago, and feeling guilty and condemned, but I also remember not changing after that at all... My memory is kind of all mushed together, but if the order is right in my head, then after I read that tract, I remember being all weepy. I am not sure what I did about it though. I think I thought I was already saved because I went to church and was raised to believe the truth.

May God have mercy on my soul.
Not sure? Here's how:

1. Accept that you are a sinner. Truly the bible says that the heart is deceitfull above all things and who can know it? In Romans 3:23 stated that we are all sinners in the sight of God.
2. Believe that Jesus can save you. Remember, Christ is the only way to God. John 14:6
3. Confess him. This is not to confess your sins but to accept Christ to be your personal Saviour. Romans 10:9 says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus..."

The bible further states that we can do this by a simple payer of faith"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13

Here is only a guide in accepting Christ to be your personal Saviour.

"Father, thank you for sending Jesus to us as he died in the cross of calvary. I know I am a sinner and bound to hell, but i believe Christ and accept in my heart to be my personal Saviour. Thank you for saving my soul. In Jesus name. Amen.

Jude 25