Thread: fortune cookies
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Old 02-17-2009, 09:45 AM
BornAgainBibleBeliever514's Avatar
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
the reason I have discovered we don't see them regularly is it is educated out of us. the story of your small child flaying at the spirit that was trying to trip your daughter. your daughter could not see it but the small child could. Lack of education.
Two years ago I attended a catholic water baptism on behalf of a friend. I was sickened being in that cathedral.
Aside from all the other interesting things I noticed (Eye of Horus at the top of the dome, building built by the Knights of Columbus, revolting statues of Mary, etc), I witnessed a strange phenomenon that ties into what brother Chette was talking about.

That sweet baby was quiet as a mouse the whole time leading up to the actual ritual. Then, strangely, when and only when, that 'priest' came close to the baby, it began to shreik and cry. Whenever the 'priest' moved away, out of the child's eyesight, he quieted right back down again. This repeated itself at least five times, especially during the actual 'baptism' and marking of the cross, etc. The entire rest of the day and the reception afterwards, the baby was cute as could be, giggling away.

Its long been held. that animals can sense such spirits, and surely babies or young children can as well.
Enough to make me want to carry a baby around like a coal-miner's canary!