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Old 06-06-2009, 11:32 AM
Winman Winman is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 464

I think the best thing we can do as Christians is be informed politically and try to vote in pro-life politicians.

Here is a good pro-life site (Catholic??), that shows how Representatives from each state voted on a variety of bills that is explained.

The higher the score on the right, the more pro-life (by this site's standards). I live in Connecticut, one Republican voted to support just one bill for a total percentage of 14%, all the rest scored 0%. Horrible.

Take a look at the maps (click on the red numbers for each bill) and you see the same pattern over and over. The Southern, and Western states are generally pro-life, New Enland, the Midwest, and the West Coast are pro-death.

I think this is significant, the Southern and Western states tend to be more religiously conservative, the other side less so. This is a religious issue whether anyone cares to see it or not.

If Christians could educate their fellow citizens, then perhaps we could vote out the liberal pro-death politicians and elect those pro-life. This is the only solution I see (plus lots of confession and prayer to God).