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Old 06-05-2009, 10:01 AM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Chette, you're avoiding the questions...
not that I blame you because they were carefully crafted in order to make us think.

Just answer the simple questions, anyone—what would YOU do in that situation?

Here's another one...

When the law of man blesses the murder of children, is it worthy of any more respect than laws blessing the enslavement of Africans or the gassing of Jews, and is it not at least possible that violent resistance against such enactments is justified in principle, simply for the fact that it protects the lives of children? As I say, I'm not preaching here, just throwing out a few questions to think about.

By the way friends, don't be fooled by the "religious activities" of the monster named Tiller. It has been pretty commonly reported over the years and documented in the PL community that Tiller had long turned his murder routine into a grisly "religious ceremony," with his on-site "butcher chaplains" like Gardner and Warren, taking photos of the mother and the dead babies together, offering to have the dead babies baptized before they were burned by the box full in his on-site Nazi furnace on Kellogg Avenue.

All the church services in the world couldn't cover up the smell of the burning flesh when they fired up that furnace year after year, and the smoke rose, and the blackened ashes from thousands of little children belched out of the roof, drifted out into the street and settled on the pro-life protestors. Oh yes, some of us pro-lifers have followed the details of his activities for many years.