Thread: Deuteronomy
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Old 04-29-2008, 12:47 PM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Gainesville, FL
Posts: 864

I don't know if it is the same in other places but in our county, there used to be a dress code for jury members in a courtroom. Basically, it could have been described as "business attire" (which itself has lost meaning). When I had my first jury duty about 40 years ago, this was the rule. Recently I returned for (another attempt at*) jury duty. You would have thought that everyone was heading for the beach afterward and had already changed. Some looked like they had just fallen out of bed. I was the only one wearing a tie (and suit) other than the deputies, clerks, and lawyers. Very saddening. At least the judges still require the key individuals to be dressed appropriately for the seriousness of the setting.

Church is not court, but I am coming into the presence of God in worship. Does He not deserve at least as much respect as a merely human judge?