Thread: Sarah Palin
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Tim,

The American People have no idea what President Bush and his "brilliant" Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice have been doing to Israel for the last eight years. President Bush, with his "brilliant" Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice - have been trying to "force" Israel to give up the land that GOD GAVE TO THEM! For years now, they have used threats, intimidation, and coercion in order to attain their ends i.e. "The Road Map" to the dissolution and destruction of the State of Israel.

AMEN AND AMEN!! Case of...PEACE AT ANY COST!!?? The more Israel gives,
the more they pay in blood of their innocent.

Bush is looking for a "LEGACY" ("Peace" in the Middle East), and if Israel's safety and welfare get in the way of that "LEGACY" - well Israel is just going to have to step aside and let the "brilliant" Condoleeza Rice's "Road Map" be implemented!

I'd trully like to 'see' the FENCE between Mexico and along Texas' border..
be right up against President Bush's ranch..just as he and Rice have the Palastinians' 'border' up against Israels' land. We'd see how he felt than:
And the people from Mexico are not human bombs...or shooting rockets at innocent women/children/older people trying to live every day life.Children just going to 'shul' (a religious school) to learn Torah; being blown up..riding a bus to shop at the market or mall..things we take for granted every day.

Galatians 6:7 [/B]Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
And all of the above applies to nations also!
Thank you, George...for your insight, discernment..AND for sharing it in a way that others can many christians have never had a clear
view of Biblical,scriptural, concepts of this subject, which affects us ALL.

Blessings and Shalom,
