Thread: Love & Race
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Old 06-09-2009, 08:53 AM
custer custer is offline
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Location: Columbia KY
Posts: 74

Originally Posted by Jassy View Post
Welcome back from your camping weekend, sister Pam! Hope you and your family had a wonderful time!

Thank you for pointing out that phrase "only in the Lord" since I think that I (and others here?) overlooked that.

Thank you! It wasn't exactly a fun family camping thing, and my three boys camped at a craft festival to "peddle our wares!" My daughter and husband had to stay home to take care of the animals; our profit margin is substantially lower when we have to pay someone to do the animals! So, the ground was hard, we almost froze to death the first night while roasting during the day, and we barely made enough to cover the expenses...but we made it home safely and built some character, I guess!!!