Thread: Repentance
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Old 04-11-2008, 08:49 PM
Posts: n/a

If someone was presented with how they have broken the 10 Commandments: for example, they are guilty of adultery, lying, and stealing. And then they are shown how their sin makes them guilty of Hell - but that Jesus paid that penalty for sin. YET if there was no repentance in their heart - no desire to turn from those sins they already know they are guilty of - then they are not turning to Jesus to save them, they are going through the motions. There is no salvation in such a case. The lost person who sees his sin in the light of God's Word, sees how Jesus is the only Saviour who can forgive him and save him from those sins, turns from those sins in his heart (which is what repentance is - the life will follow afterwards) and turns to the Lord Jesus Christ to save him (now detesting those sins that he once loved) - that is the person who will be saved. The adulterer who is still determined to cling to his adultery while he is supposedly asking Jesus to saved him, is not saved. The thief who is planning his next robbery while "calling on Jesus" for salvation is just going through the motions.