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Old 06-14-2009, 05:06 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Forrest View Post
As you know, God has used the disabling disease, Multiple Sclerosis, to bring me to the end of self. I realize some of the brethren will say I have MS because I didn't "confess" my sins. I did prior to having MS.
Forrest, your comment above jumped out at me. I've been wondering why you have a problem with the Biblical concept of believers confessing sin to God... so it that what this is all about, somehow you associate the word "confess" with your disability? That is interesting, I'm not sure I follow you though... are you suggesting that someone here would position your disease as an unconfessed sin? Because I certainly don't feel that way at all. As I have stated, I think the issue is walking in fellowship vs. walking in darkness. I just want to make sure I understand your view...