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Old 12-01-2008, 01:10 AM
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Default Huh ???

Originally Posted by BrianT View Post
Hi PB1789,

I do believe he can (and did) preserve his written word over the many centuries. My point is that if the form of that preservation was not a single, exclusive, textually-inerrant book for the first 80% of church history, and scripture does not say anything about this changing in 1611, by what authority should anyone believe it changed? Why should those scriptures that talk of preservation change meaning just because someone hand-cranked a printing press? Why claim the Bible is the only source of doctrine, but then hold to a new doctrine that is not in the Bible?

A Christian should be defending the truth regardless of how that truth may be abused by others.

First, I came because I was having this discussion on another board with Kinney but he brought his response to this board (and others) and abandoned the original board, and when I found it here he invited me to continue the discussion here. Second, I do hold to the AV/KJ, just not to the AV/KJ-only because that is a doctrine I do not find in the Bible. It it is a new doctrine, a doctrine not possible for the first 80% of church history. Only scripture is the authoritative source of doctrine, right? So by what authority should we accept this new doctrine?


Say again your last. Transmission was garbled.

Brian T. : --- Your words are in english, but I'm still not sure what you believe,,, sooo I went over to the website on your Profile Page and looked around. Saw Posts by Steven Avery and Will Kinney and your posts. After reading several posts on several threads,,, I can understand why Will Kinney came over here. The website is meant to be about "Bible Versions", (which would be a good topic to discuss-IMO)---but it seems like most of the group over there has to spend their efforts on bad-mouthing the AV/KJ and especially "KJ Onlyism"... and least from what I saw.

Do you read from a modern translation ? Do you sell/market one of the versions that follow the 1881 R.V. ? Do you own stock in Zondervan/Tyndale/NavPress/etc.. ? I'm trying to figure out your "point-of-view". {I'm not the Admin or Mod.--- just curious}. I do appreciate your reply to my post---no cuss words or insults-unlike some folks- .

I think the Post by "Vendetta Ride" was well done wherein he mentioned the various Bible versions/translations. He stole my sermon-- . Before the 1604-1611 A.V., the Geneva Bible was used by many, many English reading Christians (to include the Pilgrims that sailed over on the Mayflower) and btw--even though I only own AV/KJ Bibles and a N.T.,,, If the guy in the red suit with the reindeer dropped a a copy of the Geneva in my chimney---I wouldn't mind!