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Old 04-22-2009, 07:30 AM
Rolando Rolando is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by jacqui2411
However the crunch came when my husband came to me almost in tears as he was pondering the changes that we had seen, his words to me, changed my heart. "If I were these men, I would be afraid to change even one word of the Scripture without an assurance that it was God's will."
Amen! Thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony! I was deeply moved when I read the part about your husband.

Originally Posted by jacqui2411
Finally, the most important thing. Once the change came in my decision, the change came in my heart. The love of God's Word, which for years had been diminishing, returned with a vibrant call. My husband and I are amazed at the many things that we have seen and the greater understanding, since reading only KJV. I have found much more information to confirm our decision, you guys would know that. The info is out there, you just have to look. But in the end, you have to believe what kind of God you serve. One who is unable to preserve His Word or not?

If not, then He is not the God of the Bible. He is not who He says He is and should not be served. Praise God that we do serve the Living God that has saved us through His Son and continues to cleanse us through His Word.
Amen! Praise the LORD God and His Son Jesus Christ!