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Old 06-25-2009, 08:22 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Yes, I know what you mean about reciting your passages in a broken and mixed up manner. (I used to carry a Living Bible, yes me Bro. Parrish with a Living Bible, can you imagine).

The KJV lends itself far better to memorization for me. I think this may have been part of God's plan for preserving it the way He did. It wasn't until I started memorizing passages in the KJV for soul-winning that I realized how the King's English flows off the tongue and cuts thru the doubt and confusion in a man's life, it's peculiar.

I tell you brother, I have seen God's Spirit bring even the roughest men to tears when they hear the words in that old book. I have seen years of confusion from evolution and humanism just fall off a man, stripped away and burned off by the power of God's Holy Word. (Heb. 4:12) After years of street witnessing, hospital visits, door to door, etc., I can honestly say from experience that the new versions simply do not have the power of the KJV in soul-winning efforts.