Thread: Septuigent
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:28 AM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
It only cares if you are discussing the issue intelligently and trying to convince informed people that the 'LXX' is not relevant and you beleive that properly representing the facts is important to that endeavor and that Bible apologetics.

Until they do a little fact-checking, and you have egg on your face.
Thank you for your reply, brother. I meant no criticism in my question, and wasn't trying to be dismissive of your concerns - - - although I was, obviously, being dismissive of the importance of the LXX. Your reply sounds a wee bit testy; if I offended you, I ask your forgiveness.

Please be assured that, when discussing this with an "intellectual" or someone who has some background in the area, I don't use Gipp; but I find Gipp to be helpful to neophytes. If his material is flawed, or if Ruckman's material is flawed, so be it. It's a side-issue. If the neophyte expresses a continued interest, then we move on to the heavier stuff. If I had to debate a professor of Greek on the subject (which I would never do), I would use an entirely different set of resources, although Ruckman and Riplinger would be crucial to my own preparation.

If he is a Bible-believing Christian who is concerned about the truth and accuracy and full context of the information he receives and transmits, the value of good information versus a porridge of propagandistic (mis)information is fairly obvious.
If you're going to throw around such loaded terms as "propagandistic (mis)information," perhaps you'd better identify the malfeasors you have in mind. Otherwise, your comment sounds like mere polemics.

Incidentally, it should be obvious, but when I referred to Gipp, I wasn't replying to you, but to Brother Chette, who opened the thread. Not knowing how much or how little he knew about the issue, I started with the basic, most accessible stuff: which is what I always do with neophytes, and which I do when introducing myself to a new subject I haven't studied before. I'm never ashamed to start with baby steps; without them, we never get to the sprints.

Which is part of the general context here, however I have also talked about it with KJB believers who want to understand more excellently. And also non-Christians like skeptics who use the LXX issue as part of their negative apologetics. They will especially pick apart misinformation, as will the Christian-oriented scholarship groups, whatever their level of belief.
You're exactly right. I have discussed, and continued to discuss, the matter with both believers and atheists, and the latter do pick everything apart. I am doing such stuff right now at one of the most hostile forums on earth,, where I won't use Gipp; and if you can do it better, you're welcome to join me.

You are welcome to simply link to the Samuel Gipp material when the issue comes up, as here. Just be prepared to have your presentation picked apart by folks whose tude will be hostile and will use the questions about the presentation to their advantage against the King James Bible.
Horrors! I've never been subjected to hostility before! Pardon the sarcasm, brother, but I've been fighting these battles for many, many years. You're not talking to a newbie.

I appreciate your time, your concern for precision and accuracy, and your warnings, which are well-intended. God bless you!