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Old 06-30-2009, 04:37 PM
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Forrest Forrest is offline
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Location: Texas, USA
Posts: 597

For edification...

Some individuals are exact, thorough, and labor to be precise with their words. You can tell by their writing and teaching. Personally, I enjoy fellowship with others who are like that because I think that way. I connect with them. I love sitting for hours and chewing on the word. I love detail and really respect those who labor in the word and provide careful, thorough, and exact teaching. Its work and I know it! That’s why I appreciate their labor of love in the word.

On the other hand, I have a real challenge connecting with those who do not place high priority on precise words. I’m very analytical. Some aren’t. I read, reread, and reread words to understand them—often I still don’t get it and try to keep my mouth shut in those instances. I’m also very absolute. Some aren’t. I tend to like things that are black and white, right and wrong, true and false. It’s difficult to communicate with those who are not like me. And throughout my Christian life I’ve often been perceived as being judgmental, harsh, uncaring, arrogant, and a know-it-all because of my passion for and proclamation of the truth.

I guess ultimately, most on this Forum will readily agree that God is concerned with “every word” and therefore we should be too. We should all appreciate and respect those who take the Bible and what it says very seriously. In my opinion, no one has shown this quality like Brother George has. Does that make him right all the time? No and he knows it. Am I getting on the Brother George bandwagon and attempting to win his favor? Grow up! Is he the final word? You know better than that. He has always said back up your opinion with scripture…I’m listening.

We would all benefit by reading each others threads more carefully, being swift to hear, and slow to speak. It’s always in order to reflect and not react. And surely we all agree that we should avoid accusations and personal attacks when we fail to offer no clear and precise Biblical authority or bases to support our opinion.