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Old 05-15-2009, 01:30 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Tim the New Heaven and Earth in Revelation I do believe is the promised making of Isa 66. what we need to understand is that the Sun and Moon are not needed for light in the New Jerusalem.

Luke, I also feel that the current time system of 24/7 will be changed into a eternal time set and so new moons and Sabbaths may not be based on the 24/7 TQ anymore.

I have been studying water and our planet. and some very interesting facts that science doesn't want us to know. Fact there is a narrow path in which the earth travels and is placed. it is called a water band. in the past the earth was located slightly closer to Mars (not enough to freeze us) this position would allow and is believed to allow for more water in the atmosphere without blocking the suns rays and the rain cycle. the weather patterns were much different. with larger areas of the earth being covered in ice and snow.

for science a strange positional change took place of the earth within this band and the earth warmed more and the amounts and types of water in the atmosphere changed. we know it as Noah's flood.

the earth has been on a slow moving course in this water band. as it moves closer to the sun the earth gets warmer. But as long as the earth remains within the water band it is safe if it goes to far out the water is freeze dried and we would be like Mars. if it gets to close the water would evaporate and we would be like Venus.