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Old 10-28-2008, 10:58 PM
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Just_A_Thought Just_A_Thought is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 105

I think the Bible should be translated into foreign languages. If I went to a foreign field I would think it better to translate the Bible than teach English. If the Bible is translated then everyone can read it. If I chose to teach English to a tribe than thousands around would not have a chance to learn. Plus, after I am long gone they can keep printing the Bible in their tounge and spreading the Word instead of having to try to teach other tribes/areas to speak English and how to read in English.

If I only spoke their tounge and English I would trnaslate from the KJV, Geneva, and Tynsdale NT but if I knew Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic I would use these and reference the KJV, Geneva, and Tynsdale.