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Old 07-04-2008, 06:14 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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First you would have to discribe how salvation works in the Tribulation. they are not going to be added to the Body of Christ because that is finished at the gathering unto him of his Body.

Salvation is not the same in the Great Tribulation. all those who die for their faith, the word, and Jesus will be resurrected to be subjects in the Kingdom.
Q. So for what reason are they saved? A. to be subject in the Kingdom.

Q How many? A. It says that if this time was not cut short even the elect (speaking of Israel not Calvinist) would perish. so I would gather from reading my Bible, not many get saved. it will be a remnant of Israel and a remnant of Gentile nations

But they are not saved in the sense as we are to be in the likeness of Christ. They still must live through the Kingdom Age, keep all the Kingdom rules for living, face judgement and enter into the gate of New Jerusalem where there they will eat of the tree of life to get their eternal life and eat the leaves to heal their bodies, and drink of the rivers of life. when they get there they will stop ageing at the age they are when entering in. their bodies are given eternal status but at the age they are. leaves for healing to give them healthy eternal bodies aged or young, waters of life to renew their vitality. then they enter into eternety to be with us forever.

This way heaven will be populated with different people at different ages. Some of these (the OT saints and sinners) wont even be alive in the Kingdom they come to judgement for their works and either enter into heaven or enter into the lake of eternal fire.