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Old 06-25-2009, 04:28 PM
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PaulB PaulB is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: The Northwest of England
Posts: 158
Default Bro Parrish

Thanks for your reply - I haven't seen the Alexandrian creed before but it is so true isn't it? The "originals only" argument just doesn’t wash does it? Put it this way – if that was true then only the Ten Commandments that were written on stone could be classed as authentic, anything else after it is only a “copy”. Which then starts the argument that the ones that were placed in the ark were not the originals, as Moses broke them in his anger! Yet, what Christian in their right mind would argue that we no longer have the Ten Commandments?

I found points 4 5 & 8 of particular interest as it seems pretty obvious to me that the believers of these new versions are arguing the points that the reformers of old fought against in order to get the word to the common folk. And now its as though they are giving the Bible back to God and begging for the dark ages once again where the language of the unknown tongue is sounded, no one understands it, but everyone trusts that its true!

It was the light of the word that liberated the west out of ignorance that it was held under because everyone knew for themselves what God’s word said. But now (thanks to improved scholarship and extra light) all of a sudden no one knows anything sure anymore other than there is no definite word of God. If I didn’t know better I would see this as a deliberate infiltration of the enemy into our ranks (and I mean in the leading positions). This is no accident it has been carefully planned for a long long time with the aim of dissolving our hold on society.

The protestant church is closer to Rome now than it ever has been and what troubles me the most is that Rome hasn’t shifted an inch – it is the protestants that are now opposing the professions of faith that freed us from the its tyranny. If that were not the case, then there wouldn’t be a need for forums such as the one we are now communicating on!

I don’t know about anyone else on this site, but I had a great deal of difficulty preaching from the KJB after spending a decade in the NASV along with other version because (by default) you start reciting your passages in a broken and mixed up manner. I had to get an overdose of Alexander Scourby on a regular basis to straighten me out! Now I’m fine, but I must confess it took me a few years to ajust properly!

God bless
