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Old 05-29-2009, 08:20 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
wow that really is a lot of gods
If you examine the precepts of Mormonism as one example, you find that the majority of the Hindu "gods" are merely exalted humans, as does Mormonism. Hinduism is a spiritual pyramid with Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva being the primary three, and they are three separate gods. The gods below them are in a constant state of progression as in Mormonism. This belief is the primary root of the caste system in India of 4 groups, the bottom being a group known as "the untouchables". Literally, these people are shunned and avoided and it is forbidden to come into physical contact with them. This man I knew, though pretty enlightened as far as an educated man in engineering(he attended the college I mentioned that is by this temple)told me, "I'd rather drink the urine of a dog and eat the dung of a water buffalo than touch one of these people or be in the same room with one for that matter..." Hindus have no problem with evolution as it's the foundational practice of their religion, lower to higher. Humans are doomed to leterally millions of lives being reincarnated into something better if they are "good" and knocked back on the ladder if they are "bad".

Hinduism is an all-inclusive religion and it's hard to witness one single God to them, as they accept Jesus Christ as just another one of the 330 million.

Grace and peace to you
