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Old 08-09-2008, 02:25 AM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
They are an integral part of the Gospel. We are not called to follow miracles, but the Bible says signs and wonders will follow us when we preach the Gospel (see Mark 16:17-20). The miracles therefore act as evidence that the message is true. Stephen
Which Gospel was preached in Mark?

Miracles were always part of the "Gospel of the Kingdom". only in Pauls ministry did God confirm his message to the people with signs, wonders and power. the reason was clear there was no finished Scripture on his message.

Today Miracles are not needed to verify the message it can be found in any Language of any Bible perverted or preserved. We have Miracles because He(the HolyGhost) who gives us the gift of Miracles,or healings, or signs does so for a benefit to the saved not to lure the unsaved or to verify the message.

most of the people promoting experiencial Christianity have all the scriputres mixed up. But I have found out of all the Menonites I have met (and God bless them they are good people) their lives are beyond reproach, but they are all weak in the scriptures. and it is this weakness that causes people to look for other ways and experiences and led to the starting of such groups as the Pentecostals and the New wine, wind and laughter movements we have today.