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Old 07-17-2008, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
1. As always, Scripture interprets Scripture. Mark 16:15 says, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (emphasis mine)
Our duty is to "teach" (Matthew) / "preach" (Mark). We now have a clear message. "Make disciples" is not only nonexistent in the text, but it distorts our duty.

2. You said, "It was Jesus who made the distinction. Perhaps He should have checked with the Holy Spirit? " Not only is your humor unappreciated, for joking about the LORD Jesus or the Holy Spirit is tasteless at best and blasphemy at worst, but in frank reality it was the Holy Ghost who gave us the wording of which you complain.

Okay. So your saying the Holy Spirit in Greek wanted it to be “Μαθητευσατε / διδασκοντε” and in English wanted it to be “teach / teach” because our going, baptizing, and teaching (the three participles modified by the Greek Word in the imperative form meaning “make disciples”) has nothing to do with making disciples?

No my friends the meaning of this passage is clearly to make disciples by Going, Baptizing, and Teaching.

(Note: Good exegesis may help in sermon preparation)

Of course God is the one who saves and sanctifies but He uses means to accomplish His purpose. So go about making disciples of Jesus Christ by taking the initiative to go to them, upon their confession of faith Baptize them into the Church, and continue to teach them the all the truth of God’s Word.

Grace be with you all.