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Old 03-27-2008, 10:41 PM
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1 Corinthians 13:12a For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:
1 Corinthians 13:12b now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

I don't think, this is not "spiritualizing" to say that Paul is using the expressions "see through a glass, darkly" and "face to face" as an illustration. You know, he is not looking through a literal "glass" so it is safe to say he is not referring to a literal "face". Looking through dark crystal or dark eyeglasses is much more different than looking face to face. This is an illustration. The interpretation of that is that "now" (that time) Paul knows "in part" (the dark "glass"), but then he shall "know" even as also he is "known" ("face to face").

Looking at the structure of the verse above, notice the semicolons and the COLON in between. We can see the parallelism there. The first half is interpreted by the last half. If this is correct, this is another wonder of the KJB's "built-in commentary".

see through a glass, darkly = now I know in part
face to face = then shall I know

It's true that "face to face" means "face to face". Here in 1 Corinthians, "glass" means "glass" and "face to face" means "face to face", but the literal glass is used to illustrate "in part" knowledge while "face to face" is used to illustrate clear, complete knowledge.

Finally, if "face to face" is the literal fulfillment rather than the illustration, with whom is Paul going to see "face to face"? With that "which is perfect"? The Lord and His Word are both "perfect". I find no reference to Christ in the whole chapter, but it's sure he's dealing with sign gifts soon to be done away with being replaced by something perfect or complete.