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Old 05-28-2009, 09:29 AM
Jeremy Jeremy is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 232

There seems to be little in the NT regarding killing or murder,most people just quote Matt 5v21. Danger of the judgement. Gods judgement? or mans?
That Doesn't seem as clear as Gen,Exodus,Numbers.

What about executions. I think they should be carried out on murderers. There wouldn't be overcrowding of prisons and there wouldn't be 2,000,000 inmates in the US.

Genesis 9v6,Exodus 20v13,21v12 are clear about killing or shedding another mans blood.

Numbers 35v16-18 thru the end of the chapter. is also clear about what to do with murderers,it seems straight forward to me,but some say that it doesn't apply to us today(OT).

OK,why does Numbers not apply and Genesis,Exodus does? God was speaking to the Israelites in those books,so the argument is with people saying it doesn't apply because of that.

I believe ALL 66 books apply for us today,and No, i do not doubt Gods Word,however it may be a case of not Rightly Dividing,for which i am new.

The nice thing about being King James and not a MV user, is that its settled in my heart what Gods true word is, and i can take that to the Bank!!