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Old 10-27-2008, 09:23 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by Scott Simons View Post
You don't get it, be careful how you judge. The state of Isreal has been taken over by a evil Scientific dictatorship and does not have Israel best interest in mind, wake up, Texe Marrs love the Jewish people, so watch your month, NWO is here and getting stronger, the anti-christ may well be coming very soon, when Jesus returns will he find faith?
Israel, sadly, is a secular state being run by very secular people. However, it is God's nation, and the apple of His eye. If Texe Marrs loves the Jewish people, he conceals it very well.

Marrs used to stand for something. Now he's just an anti-Semitic, conspiracy-obsessed crackpot. It's a real tragedy.

And I am being careful how I judge, thank you very much. I've followed Marrs' career for over twenty years, and when he was teaching the truth, he was a real blessing. But all flesh is grass.