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Old 05-22-2009, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by johnlf View Post
Most of the Bible does not apply to us today because it is not written to us. That does not mean that it is not profitable for our instruction:

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

But it does mean that it does not apply to us today in the sense that we are not commanded to obey it because it is not written to us. If we act as if it is we are in a sense reading someone elses mail as if it is our own. So when I say that it does not apply to us today, I am saying that since it was not written to us but written to first century Jewish believers, it is instructional for us gentiles but not meant to be read as if it is specific instructions TO US GENTILES

pre-mill means I believe that the Bible teaches that a thousand year reign of Christ on the earth from Jerusalem is yet to come. So we are in age that precedes the millennium.

pre-trib mean that I believe that the Bible teaches that preceding the millennium there will be a seven year period of tribulation.
Exactly right John. I Peter teaches we are born again by His word, His word is incorrutible. Hebrews teaches the Deity of Christ, Acts 20 teaches that Christ was Man, He was God, and God had blood. Ezekiel 2 teaches that even when people resist the message we preach, we preach it anyway so that a prophet of God has been among them and they have no excuse. Acts 17 is the pattern we will find in preaching the gospel, some will scoff, some will respond. Luke 4 teaches that even to Satan we respond with It Is Written!

All Scripture is profitable for doctrine; Church doctrine for today is found only in Romans through Philemon, through our apostle, Paul, who received Romans through Philemon from God directly by inspiration.

Grace and peace.
