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Old 02-26-2009, 06:08 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Wenatchee WA
Posts: 885

I agree with you. But the thing to stress is that we all should be doing something. There is no excuse to do nothing. I at least keep tracts in my pocket at all times and I leave them in the soda drop in soda machines, pay phones, under peoples windshield whipers, in restrooms, etc. The point is to get the gospel out there. Street preaching is one way to do that, but it tends to be very condemning and repulsive to folks (though this isn't the case with all street preachers, mostly the James Lyman croud). This is why I think door to door soulwinning is a great way to get the gospel out there. Also brother Luke explained to me what letter boxing is and I think that it is another great way to get the gospel out there (though I think this is illegal in the USA, therefore leaving a tract and invitation on the doorknob is advisable! ^_^), and it's a good way for shy folks (like myself!).

Peace and Love,