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Old 03-23-2009, 01:31 PM
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Kiwi Christian Kiwi Christian is offline
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Originally Posted by toiwnz View Post
The name God is totally absent from the book of Esther. Does that mean He doesn't exsist? Absouletly NOT. I'm sure you here all the time "the phrase rapture is not in the Bible" Does that mean it's not going to happen? The phrase last trumpet is not there, I agree. But since when does last not mean last, final, end, no more after. And I don't see where last trump means last note or sound. Why can't last trump simply mean last trump?
Brother, the point I was making is that the "last trump" on a trumpet doesn't mean it is the "last trumpet". The last trump of 1 Cori 15 & 1 Thess 4 is not the seventh and last trumpet of Rev 11, the last trump calling up the body of Christ actually blows some time before the 1st trumpet goes off during the tribulation.

Don't take all this personally bro, it's not worth it. Some will use harsh words against what you have posted because they, and I, believe it is a gross error being taught in the church today.

God bless your tour of duty!