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Old 03-23-2009, 06:49 AM
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Samuel Samuel is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Asheville NC
Posts: 130

I have studied this subject for years have read, and know the scriptural support for each position. Each position has its margin of support from scriptures, a lot depends on your doctrinal, and personal bias.

There is only one verse that supports a 7 year tribulation period, and again it depends on how that is interpreted. This subject has caused more division among freinds, hurt feelings, and even Church splits than any other. I wont even state my opinion on the subject, because it will disagree with the many.

Its best to say our Lord promised he would return for us, and to believe his promise is true. If we have to suffer or not!, it won't be anything to compare with the suffering he has already done for us.