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Old 05-14-2009, 01:50 AM
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Originally Posted by MPeak View Post
Forgive me the use of "us" and "we."

I must admit the doctrine of the KVJ English itself being inspired is very new to me. I have never heard a preacher or minister or teacher talk of the English being inspired. The Hebrew sure, the Greek maybe, but the English?

I read this idea on the site and it forced me to ask whether inspiration applies to originals only or to translations as well. Most of what I have been taught, I have recently come to realize, was based the idea the KJV is the Word of God translated and preserved by man, but not inspired by God.

I am still not sure about the idea that the KJV is inspired, but am seeking God in prayer on this idea.

Matthew, the confusion arises when you follow the worldly definition of "inspiration", the Great Heavenly Trance the writers went into and produced the Scriptures via automatic wiring, The Oracle Of Delphi Method. This is erroneous. As you know Jesus spoke from a copy of Isaiah in Luke 4 and called it "Scripture", which, yes, was "inspired" by Paul's definition to Timothy in II Timothy 3:16 which Paul received from God Himself. God's inspiration is from nanosecond to nanosecond in that He spoke the Universe into being and holds it together by the word of His Power. He is "inspiring" 10,000 copies per second perfect copies of Adam and Eve as I write this and you read it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the original manuscripts? If that is the case, if only the original manuscripts are "inspired", then there is no salvation since the original manuscripts of the gospel of Christ decayed.

The true fact of the resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus Christ(Lazarus later died also) and the resurrection of Jesus Christ Himself(in Who alone rests immortality) is not determined by empiric studies in biology and physiology, but by faith. It is an insult to God to accept the validity of the KJV as holy Scripture just because the manuscript evidence, which is overwhelming, leads us to. Without faith it is impossible to please God. God spoke to me through Paul's writings and said, you accept this KJV not as the words of the KJV translators but My words, and it will work effectually in you and in anyone who believes it. I once used the NASB and nothing worked in me, I used the ASV of the Church Of Christ which I was raised in, and nothing worked in me. God breathes through the KJV to those who understand English yet most of all BELIEVE IT. If He breathes through the NIV, He must have contracted emphysema.

What probably leads many to believe "KJVO"s are hardtempered hotheads is the fact the "KJVO" realizes more than anyone that we are in a war, a spiritual war. We are soldiers as Paul said we are. If I am in The Battle Of The Bulge, I do not need to know woodworking, metallurgy, chemistry, and mechanical engineering to be assured my M-1 Garand will fire and fire effectively. If another soldier, on my side, grabs my arm and says my weapon is defective because it is not the M-1 Garand prototype, has missing parts, that the German Mauser is equal or superior to it, most likely I am going to buttstroke him, bind him and turn him over to the MPs.

You must accept first the reality there are two opposing forces on this planet: fundamentalist Bible Christianity and Roman Catholicism. There is no middle ground but a netherland of fog where those who wander the wasteland between the two are shot at by both sides. You're going to have to make a decision one day to flee to the trenches of one side or the other: Either the KJV is the word of God given by inspiration, or the RC Church is the repository custodians of the Scriptures. Case closed. You are going to have to renovate from the ground up your definition of "inspiration" as I am outlining in my series on Triple Inspiration:

1. Initial revelation of His will and precepts.
2. The faithful reproduction and translation of His words from language to language, age to age, nation to nation.
3. His Spirit giving you understanding and working effectually in you to make first you spiritually alive so that you can be the footman to make others aware of Him and His words.

The smart-meat MV/Original Manuscript Fraud accuses me of teaching "double" inspiration and I am one up on them, I teach triple inspiration. because all three are Scriptural.

Grace and peace to you and my prayer is God will show you the light on His words just as He did me.


Last edited by tonybones2112; 05-14-2009 at 01:54 AM. Reason: typo