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Old 11-02-2008, 10:17 AM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Western Ohio
Posts: 436

I must say that McCain's stance on abortion pales in comparison to this.

As Pat Buchanan is fond of saying, “I have been pro-life my whole life.” Chuck Baldwin has always believed that the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness can only be offered if the right to life is available.

January 22, 1973 was a dark day in U.S. history. Unlike the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated or 9/11, many people do not remember where they were or what they were doing on that day. But, like those two horrific events, January 22, 1973 was a defining day in our history.

That was the day that the U.S. Supreme Court declared open season on unborn children. Most of us know of it as Roe Vs Wade. Before that Supreme Court Decision unborn children were cherished and loved but after that day they were disposable. … reduced to a price tag and subject to constant mark down.

Ever since the Reagan days the Republicans have been promising to “do something” about it. The Democrats…well, they just can’t seem to work up any concern at all. To date nothing has been done. They all attend the rallies and walks organized by pro-life organizations.

But being Pro-life will not be just a campaign slogan for the Baldwin Adminstration. As President, He will immediately work with Congress to pass the Sanctity of Life Act which would strip the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in all cases involving the life of an unborn child. When that happens the unborn child would once again be declared a person under the law and cannot be harmed without due process of law. Appointing Pro-life Supreme Court Justices will no longer give the Republican’s a phony rallying cry and the evil deeds of the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973 will be set aside.

President Chuck Baldwin offers another promise that none of the other candidates will offer. He will never allow what is known as embryonic stem cell research to be conducted by the United States of America. Not only is it wrong it is also unnecessary. Adult stem cell research is already saving lives and promising to save many more. Embryonic stem cell research has produced no cures at all.

Chuck believes that respect for life should be across the board – from the beginning until natural death.

We are asking for your vote, your prayers and your financial support. Please join us to help move America forward. When it comes to respect for life Chuck Baldwin is the “Real Deal.”
I too felt like voting for McCain, until I realized that it would have been a lack of faith in God on my part. I don't speak for anyone else, but I do not feel comfortable voting for McCain, so I will let my vote be heard for someone who I could openly and shamelessly stand behind and support publicly.