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Old 06-30-2009, 08:35 AM
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George George is offline
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Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
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Default Re: "Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says”"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
"George my comments speak for themselves and I think they are clear,
and your last post right there pretty much sums up why I stated them.
I guess your feelings about Winman are just that, they are YOURS, brother.
Either way, I don't really care to discuss Winman's posts with you,
if you want to discuss his posts, you'll have to do it with others.
Thanks for your understanding

Aloha brother Parrish,

This has got nothing to do with my "FEELINGS"! You sided with Winman on my being too hard on premio53, a new troublemaker and a total stranger to the Forum, who obviously is what I said he is by what has transpired between known brethren on the Forum! I have demonstrated (over and over again - ad nauseum) that Winman is a nay-saying individual who takes "words" (people's or the Bible's) and "twists" them to say what they didn't say and "wrests" them out of their "context" to MAKE THEM SAY WHAT THEY DIDN'T SAY!

If you hadn't joined in agreement with Winman I wouldn't have singled you out, but your criticism of my "bashing" a troublemaking stranger doesn't line up with your own personal conduct on the Forum: considering your "bashing" known members (Tony & Chette - who are members in good standing) of this Forum, and who, we at least know to be brethren - and NOT TOTAL STRANGERS (who may not be "brethren" at all) who joined the Forum to foment TROUBLE and DIVISION!

And by the way - your reply to my Post is just one more example of your failure to be "specific" when making statements or accusations. "General" statements and accusations are meaningless since they contain NO FACTS!

This has got NOTHING to do with my "FEELINGS" brother - and everything to do with spiritual discernment; judging "righteous judgment"; and "rightly dividing the word of truth". "FFELINGS" are subject to private opinions and personal bias - RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT is how born again sons of God are to JUDGE (According to the Holy words of God - NOT "FEELINGS")!