Thread: New Wine?
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Old 08-12-2008, 10:31 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 645

When I was not on the right path, I drank. I was depressed, life was not a bed of roses. I knew what I was doing was wrong in the eyes of the LORD but I still rebelled against that feeling and drank more. Now I, having been in the darkest depths of despair through alcohol and other substances could feel the change in personality starting even after 1 or 2 beers and then,a progression onto a need for other stronger drinks.
Wine is a Mocker yes, its the devil Mocking your weakness
Strong Drink is raging yes, it makes a normally peaceful person aggressive.
Now when I think back to those hazy days and look at a bar, I see familiar "Spirits" and THANK THE LORD MY GOD that I am delivered and forgiven from that nightmare that is alcohol and strive through his Grace not to put those spirits into my Temple EVER again.
I beg the liberals, don't be liberal concerning booze. People say things they normally wouldn't say after 1 drink, do things they normally wouldn't do after 1 drink. If its not the "Buzz" that Christians are after then why drink at all?
Alcohol is a destroyer when consumed, I have felt it destroying me and watched it destroy others around me, its from the devil. And for those that say, "well, its good in moderation for my heart", put the glass down and go for a 10 min walk, thats even better for you heart.

In My Saviour's name, The LORD Jesus Christ