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Old 11-06-2008, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by drbible1611 View Post
"Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder, treason and plot,
I know of no reason why the gundpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."

I remember learning this rhyme as a young boy at School in England, however, we were never taught the reason behind the 'gunpowder plot'-I guess that's why most Roman Catholics also celebrated this day without knowing the in's and out's of the plot.

Guy Fawkes Day is the celebration of the foiling of a plot by the then reigning Pope and the British Jesuits that was meant to destroy parliament, murder King James I, and end the reign of Protestantism as the church of state in Great Britain (November 5, 1605) and the execution of Fawkes for treason (January 6, 1606.)

Fawkes planted barrels of gunpowder in the basement of parliament but thanks to God's providence the plot was uncovered by the authorities and Fawkes and the Jesuit instigators were arrested and executed.

We would celebrate by building a bonfire, fireworks and burning an effigy of Guy Fawkes.

Just think if the Jesuits had been successful Satan would have prevented us from having our beloved AV1611.

So forget about the election and let's celebrate the 5th November! Amen!
Gday Bogon,howyagoinmateorrite??,

Its Dave here, from Bethany Baptist.

I agree,the failure of the gunpowder plot has got to be one of the most important (non) events in Christain, and world, history. Imagine a Catholic Britain allied with Catholic France and Spain?? the only tea party ever held in Boston would have been when Napoleon dropped in for a visit with his Redcoat pals for a bit of colonial hunting.

See you,
