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Old 03-04-2009, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post
What am I not being truthful about?
You made a blanket accusation that several people here belong to some form of "cult" because they like Rush's commentary. That's a false accusation and therefor untruthful.

A man called Rush that liked to get his " Hillbilly Heroin, " in a Denny's parking lot in a cigar box? Could it be the fact that someone defending him by saying we all live in glass houses. I'm sorry I have a bad attitude about the supposed leader of the GOP getting his Hillbilly Heroin in a parking lot.
I don't care much about your sorrow, but I just don't get why the man's past problems with a prescription drug are such a focus for you, or why you think this gives you free reign to call a bunch of people here cultists. I haven't even seen anyone here say they want Rush to lead them in anything.

I'm sorry I have a bad attitude about people telling me not to judge this action
Here's more of you being untruthful. Who told you not to judge the action? What does that have to do with you constantly bashing down on the man for something he did in his past (and apologized for, in public and on air)? And then you mention Newt! Someone who divorced his wife! I like Newt too, but your weights are indeed "divers."
Proverbs 20:23 Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.
and saying it is the same as someone smoking a Camel or a Winston.
Smoking is worse than getting temporarily addicted to pain medication. Smoking is a constant act of temple defilement. It's slow pollution of the body makes it all the more insidious. But I still wouldn't "break out the brimstone" for a smoker the way you've done it on Rush.

It's fine if this man makes some of you " feel proud to be an American " because some talk he gave at some Neocon meeting and this man makes some of you feel this way.
Actually, the CPAC speech was quite good, and I wonder what there is about it that you disagree with. Wait, no, I don't really care.

The point is, acknowledging that Rush gives a good speech or has good commentary doesn't amount to approval of his sins. Get it?