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Old 05-13-2009, 05:13 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594

Who is this "we" and "us" you speak of.

I haven't done or said any of that stuff.

Mark is written by Mark. I figured that out when I was 5, and unsaved.

I've never doubted the last 9 verses of Mark, even when the University Chaplain said "we aren't going to study them because they aren't in the originals". That was one of the catalysts for me studying out why he was wrong.

I'm not producing any new translations.

As for knowing better, yeah, we (we, as in Bible believers) do, since the early church fathers went bonkers with tradition, works salvation, scripture canon, and the reformers brought us back to faith alone and scripture alone (yet still clinging to catholic ideas such as covenant theology and amillennialism), and the brethren brought back dispensationalism. But those truths were revealed via the Holy Spirit and the King James text, not science and archaelogy.