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Old 05-19-2009, 08:06 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Mathew Ward View Post
However I have learned over the years that I would rather discuss the truths of the Bible then to argue which Bible. Many may see that as a compromise, but if I agree with someone in 90% of doctrine, why do we have to argue the 10%? It can be a civil discussion (the Bible issue) and if I believe that I have the Word of God and that their Bible contains the Word of God, we are still talking about the Word of God!
Well I agree that argument is not the best way and things can certainly be civil. And I would rather discuss the truths also. However, if we cannot agree on WHICH BIBLE, then we cannot agree on WHAT IS TRUTH. The author of that type of confusion is not God.

From what I have seen, most members of this forum are very patient with the "Bible correcting brethren" who are honestly seeking truth, however since the 10 percent we are talking about impacts the entire platform of authority, I think we have a position worth defending with vigor. After all, it takes just a small percentage of leaven to leaven the whole lump.