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Old 11-18-2008, 02:24 AM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
I just want to say something about C.S. Lewis

The man was wrong on a lot of things. Yes.

But some are saying "I doubt his salvation". Why? Because you never read his conversion testimony. I haven't read yours, but I don't doubt that you are all saved. I haven't read Spurgeons, but I don't doubt that he was saved. I wonder how many great men of God in times past never had a written testimony of salvation...

What are the requirements for salvation? Do you have to have your doctrine right? Do you have to understand everything in the Bible? Or do you simply have to understand and believe in the atonement of Jesus Christ upon the cross. Because as far as I was aware, that was it - believing in Jesus Christ's free grace to all who receive by believing.

Judging a man as unsaved because he has bad doctrine is ridiculous. It is quite clear that C.S. Lewis understood the atonement, and if he believed it, he is in heaven right now regardless of whether he ever wrote his testimony down.

Those accusing a dead man of things they cannot possibly know need to get off their high horse. You are not any more saved because your doctrine is right or you read the right Bible. You are saved the same way as everyone else.


God bless

EDIT: I wasn't writing this in his defense. I've never read a C.S. Lewis book, and I don't intend to. The premise of the screwtape letters does not appeal to me, and I prefer non-fiction.
Yeah I was thinking this too. I don't doubt CS Lewis' conversion. I don't keep the Lamb's Book of Life, so it's not my job to say his name is or isn't there. But I can warn people about what he might have written, but that's where I draw the line.

Peace and Love,