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Old 11-17-2008, 09:34 PM
Steve Schwenke
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Steve Schwenke View Post

Necromancy deals with a suppossed ability to communicate with the dead. In answer to my own question about STar Wars and "the Force" it is indeed a form of witchcraft. Actually the entire Jedi order is nothing more than a different term for the Far Eastern mystical religions. But the ability to levitate, move things, etc are all "magical" powers, so I think it does fall into this broad category, even though it isn't "traditional" magic (ie witches, sorcerers, potions, spells, etc.) Actually, I think it is a little bit closer to reality than the other fictional works.

In Christ,
I brought this point out because one of the key elements of "The Force" and the "Jedi Order" is the ability to communicate with the dead Jedi. If this isn't Necromancy, I don't know what is.