Thread: New Wine?
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:00 PM
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Doesn't John 2:10 make it clear what is meant by "wine?" In reading what the Bible says about wine, it is clear that drunkenness is sin ("And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess" Eph 5:18; "given to wine" Ti 1:7; "excess of wine" 1Pe 4:3). But you really have to do some fancy acrobatics to turn wine into "grape juice" in passages like John 2, and what meaning does Romans 14:21 have if drinking wine is sin? We can't say drinking grape juice is a stumbling block to someone, can we? And is drunking much grape juice a sin (1Ti 3:8)? No? So why does it say much wine if what is meant is any wine?

Let's honestly examine scripture and use it to shine the light of truth on our traditions.