Thread: UFOs...
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Old 04-19-2008, 10:31 PM
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pbiwolski pbiwolski is offline
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A U.F.O. in it's own terminology is simply an unidentified flying object. Everybody believes in them. If we're talking about slimy, green men, that's a different story.

In Zech. 5, the object is identified, yet that is not always the case in scripture. Try II Sam. 5:24 - something is going above the mulberry trees.

Dr. Ruckman has done extensive research into the accounts of u.f.o. sightings, and has been impressed at the "caliber" of people making claims. His conclusions yield airline pilots, high ranking military personnel, and others of distinguished reputation are now doped up in a loony ward for some unexplained reasons.

He takes a biblical stance on everything, and therefore determined these aren't necessarily "aliens from outer space" (as the lost would view), but perhaps rather some form of interterrestrial devilment. He has plenty to say and speculate on the matter, but all in all I love how he aims to see everything in the light of the Book.