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Old 10-28-2008, 10:53 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594

While that site is akin to what I would create, that site, unfortunately, is run by a group of unsaved atheists, probably the same group that frequent (possibly even emergent churchers or new evangelicals that find the old book and the old faith to be so limiting)

They know enough about the truth to mock it, but not enough to be changed.

You only have to look at that page to see it is a mockery of what Fundamentalists believe


Definition: A group of English Heretics who think they are saved by good works and drab clothes. Worship: corn and Satan.


Worship: oatmeal, and Satan.

Presbyterians, Lex Lutherans, Baptists Other Than Landover Baptists, and Methamphetadists

Worship: think they Worship Jesus, but because of their false, non-Baptist doctrines, they are so twisted around that they are really Worshipping Satan. (I realize that "false" and "non-Baptist" are redundant, I'm just trying to drive the point home, praise Jesus!)
There is some truth there, especially the puritans and good works, but I don't think they worship corn. It's obvious "satire" that is sad because these people seem like they came close to knowing the truth about Jesus saving mercy for our sins.