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Old 05-28-2009, 07:03 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
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Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 299
Default Questions from Atheists 3

READ FIRST: I will be posting some questions here that were brought up by an Atheist/Agnostic "Freethought Group." I don't belong to this group. Someone I know that is somewhat antagonistic towards Christians does. So, the "I" is NOT me. Perhaps people here can help in responding to these questions. I'll post them as "Questions from Atheists 1" "....2" etc.

3. Is vicarious redemption moral? If god truly did write morality on the hearts of all people (as it says in Romans), then why do we generally find this practice, otherwise known s scapegoating, reprehensible? Would you allow an innocent man to be tortured and killed for crimes you committed? I would not, and I reject that offering. If I have committed crimes, I stand ready to be held accountable. I will not let an innocent suffer on my behalf.