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Old 05-16-2008, 09:47 PM
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JaeByrd JaeByrd is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Posts: 156

Having said all that, I just hope and pray that Diligent doesn't get too discouraged, and that the forum continues.....God bless, Scott
Thanks Scott.

I do get some entertainment value? In a sit back with a bowl of popcorn and watch the fireworks display type of way...but something will have to be done...

We've had a lot on our platters since we started the forum and I know Diligent has not been able to be as active as he would like. Now that the new version of SwordSearcher has been released we'll have a bit of time to work on other things. Like this forum. You'll be seeing a lot more of Diligent's posts in the coming weeks I'm sure.