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Old 02-28-2009, 10:18 AM
Winman Winman is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 464

I think it's sad and reminds me of the verse:

Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things

The video "9 Year-Old Struck with the Anointing!" is disturbing. I cannot imagine what effect these experiences have on such a young and impressionable child. Not good.

I think we have to have compassion on Charismatics and try to lead them out of their error.

Back in the 80's I worked with a devout Charismatic. He knew I was a believer and we spoke of God and the Bible often. He used to ridicule my church saying, "Oh, you Baptists, you go out drinking and sinning Saturday night and then come to church on Sunday!" I told him while my church was in no way perfect, that it was full of good and sincere people, and things like this did not go on. He would tell me that his church members couldn't sin, because they had the Holy Spirit on them. I used to assure him that his church members were human and sinned on occasion.

His church had some strange rules. They could not go out in public or into another person's home unless they were accompanied by 7 church members (I have no idea why they came up with that number). On Sunday's they had a large screen drop down and they watched Jimmy Swaggart. Shortly thereafter, Jimmy Swaggart had his famous sex scandal. My friend was absolutely crushed and disillusioned by this. He fell into a great depression and quit church. I am not sure what happened to him after that.

These folks are looking for answers, they need to know the Word of God.

My biggest concern with Charismatics is that they teach that a person has to maintain good works to keep their salvation. I knew another fellow who insisted the people in his church had become holy and no longer sinned. I told him that was impossible and asked if he thought he could go just one day without sinning. He said, "oh, that's easy! I can easily go a day without sinning!"

I told him, "You just blew it, the Bible says boasting is a sin. You just boasted, so you just sinned". Man, did he get angry!

Last edited by Winman; 02-28-2009 at 10:24 AM.