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Old 07-25-2008, 04:44 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 462

Hi Folks,

One Mamillia quote can be seen in .pdf at:
Mamillia; The Second Part of the Triumph of Pallas by Robert Greene (1593)

Yea, they accuse women of wavering whenas they themselves are such weathercocks as every wind can turn their tippets and every new face make them have a new fancy, dispraising others as guilty of that crime wherewith they themselves are most infected, most unjustly straining at a gnat and letting pass an elephant, espying one dram of dross and not seeing a whole tun of ore, so injuriously descanting upon some one dame which for her wavering mind perhaps deserveth dispraise, and not attributing due honour to so many thousand ladies which merit to be canonized as saints for their incomparable constancy.

Just including a bit more .
