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Old 10-05-2008, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
As I get older, my feelings about war and peace are changing somewhat. I have sons and grandsons, and don't want them in the military for a number of reasons, which I will not discuss at this point. Basically, I don't want them to die, and I think the military is a bad environment for a young Christian man - - - not because of the "war" part, but because it's just so filthy and worldly.

Having said that, of course I agree with Atlas. There is a time for war. Military service is not, in itself, a sin. (It would, like anything else, be a sin if God had told a young man to do something else, and he rebelled.) Jesus did not rebuke the soldiers who asked His advice; and He did command the disciples to get a sword. However, I don't glorify military service, although I pray for the troops; and I wouldn't counsel a young Christian man to enlist. If he were drafted, I would certainly counsel him to obey, and be the best soldier he could be!

As I say, my feelings are changing as I get older; but I must subordinate my feelings to the words of God, or I'm not much of a Christian.
I think about it this way:
The more Christians die in a military, the less Christians there would be. The less Christians there are, the less Christian voice there is in the government. The less Christian voice there is in the government, the less Christian laws exist. The less Christian laws there are, the harder it is for Christians to Live on Earth

I mean, that if there would be more Christians in the past, then there would be more Christians Presidents and Christian Judges.

If there would be more Christian Judges, then after Roe v Wade, abortion would still be illegal. If there would be more Christians, then homosexual would not be allowed to marry in CA. If there would be more Christians, the Males and Females (in CA public schools) would not have to go to the same bathroom. If there would be more Christian prayers, then GOd would protect U. S. from 9/11. If there would be more Christian Judges, then students would still pray and read KJV Bible in public schools. If there would be more Christians, then evolution would not be taught in school and Chriation would still be taught in schools.