Thread: Love & Race
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Old 06-03-2009, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by kns215 View Post
So... I wouldn't necessarily call interracial marriage "Biblical".
That's the wrong question. The question is, is it unbiblical? Since our apostle is Paul, and Paul specifically said there is no difference between the Jew and the Gentile for us now, what basis is there to discourage people from marring people with different levels of melanin in their skin? A bunch of lines of reasoning directly contradicted by Scripture (Boaz, Moses, etc)?

It is an untenable position to hold! There were no "white Americans" in Acts 17:26 -- what does it have to do with who someone marries? -- since there was no "american nation" to speak of, where do we go to marry? What do you suggest someone who is the son of "mixed races" go for a spouse?

This is all confusion -- races are not nations. Applying the rules of separation for the nation of Israel under the law to someone today based on what color their skin is is confusion in the highest order.